• Include a cover letter of no more than one page briefly describing the work and the author’s background and contact information.
  • Please include a table of contents.
  • Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please state so in the cover letter, and please
    inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Please allow a minimum of three months for reply.
  • Selected manuscripts receive a contract, $500, publication, and author copies.
  • To do our small part in trying to address the publishing industry's historical underrepresentation of minoritized writers, Veliz Books is offering the option of free submission for authors who identify as such.
  • Reading fee for all other submissions is $25. With the payment of our $25-reading fee you will receive a book from our catalog. Please make sure to include in your cover letter the title of the book you would like us to send. 
  • Unfortunately we are currently unable to send books outside of the U.S. for this promotion. For international submissions there is an alternate lower fee of $20. This fee is also available for our U.S. submissions that do not wish to receive a book.

If you're a small literary press (or on your way to becoming one), we'd love to help out--just as we've been helped out by presses who came before us.

Each year, we offer a number of consultations with emerging presses as a way to share our experiences and resources to help them move forward in the literary world. 

Initial consultations are 30+ minutes, and if we're able to help more, we'd be excited to continue on as a resource as you move forward with your project.

Please submit your consultation submission and we'll hope to be in touch soon!

Veliz Books